Brad Rimmer // Silence

Silence is Brad Rimmer’s intensely personal and sometimes painful monograph of life in the once-thriving wheatbelt towns of Western Australia. Born in Wyalkatchem in 1962 Rimmer chose at nineteen to escape what he saw then as a bleak future. In Silence, he presents images that capture the region’s permeating dust, heat and isolation negotiating a delicate balance between hope and despair in his frank portraits of those who remain.

Edited by Fiona Upward. Essay by Susan Bright and Paola Anselmi.

'I was worried about revisiting my old home and going inside the house, but I had no real connection at all. Everything that was in my mind had gone and I felt a strange relief. On my way out of town that evening I thought of how many people had left and never returned, just left for good. I’d never thought about that before,' Brad Rimmer.

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Brad Rimmer // Silence